
Should I Pin Nail My Mitres While The Glue Is Wet

вставьте частицу to перед инфинитивом, где необходимо1. I like ... dance. 2. I'd like ... trip the light fantastic. three. I shall do all I can ... aid you. 4. She made me ... repeat my words several times. v. I saw him ... enter the room. 6. She di...

вставьте частицу to перед инфинитивом, где необходимо1. I like ... dance. 2. I'd like ... dance. 3. I shall do all I can ... assist you. iv. She made me ... repeat my words several times. 5. I saw him ... enter the room. 6. She did not let her mother ... get away. vii. Do you like ... listen to good music? 8. Would you like ... heed to proficient music? 9. That funny scene fabricated me ... laugh. ten. I like ... play the guitar. 11. My brother can ... speak French. 12. We had ... put on our overcoats because it was cold. thirteen. They wanted ... cross the river. xiv. Information technology is high fourth dimension for you ... go to bed. 15. May I ... use your telephone? 16. They heard the daughter ... cry out with joy. 17. I would rather ... stay at abode today. 18. He did non want ... play in the thou whatsoever more than. 19. Would yous like ... go to England? 20. You wait tired. You had better ... become abode. 21. I wanted ... speak to Nick, but could not ... notice his phone number. 22. It is time ... get up. 23. Allow me ... help yous with your homework. 24. I was planning ... do a lot of things yesterday. 25. I'd similar ... speak to you. 26. I call back I shall exist able ... solve this problem. 27. What makes you ... think you are right

Автор: Гость


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